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Southern Door goes through school safety drills

Southern Door High School enters every school year with a safety week. This past week included  a new drill each day: Monday administrative hold, Tuesday tornado drill, Wednesday fire drill, and Thursday run hide right. Students are held in their homerooms at the end of each day of safety week and conduct the appropriate drills as a class. Teachers of each homeroom read through instructions and present safety videos provided by the Southern Door Principal. 
This 2019-20 school year, there are new safety measures added to the school in hopes of creating a safer learning environment. Improvements include alarms, shatter-free glass, locks and a raptor in the school's offices. 
Speaking to Southern Door's Business Manager, Mark Logan, he enlightened us on what this all means. Mr. Logan said that efforts in safety are to identify potential threats to have time to react before potential danger. The raptor in the offices allows for a face recognition upon entrance and an ID check, so a visitor will be identified for who they are and what they are here for. Mr. Logan said that this protection is just as much for the students as for the adults on campus. If an officer or teacher walking around school sees an unknown face in the hallway, the temporary pass created by the raptor will insure no doubt in safety. 
In the past, Southern Door has maintained it's safety codes and regulations, but this year the school wants to ensure that students and teachers feel as safe as they could be to work hard and play hard in this environment. Mr. Logan believes that this new system will be successful within the upcoming years. He also acknowledged that if an update needs to be made, Southern Door will work to achieve it.



Interview audio from Mark Logan below.



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