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Homecoming calls for safe fun

Kewaunee County Sheriff Matt Joski hopes you have a happy homecoming as long as it is safe. While there have not been major incidents in Kewaunee County related to homecoming in recent memory, the concern for kids illegally drinking and driving and going overboard with “decorating” is still there. Joski says homecoming can be a special time as long as you make good decisions.

Joski says parents also need to make good decisions as well during homecoming week. It is against the law for adults to provide alcohol and other drugs for underage parties.



As I have done in the past, I would like to spend time bringing some attention to safety during our Homecoming festivities.  This time of year brings with it not only the games and other school activities that our kids are involved in, but also the social activities which are such an important part of their lives. As we approach the season of homecoming games and dances we should encourage our kids to make good decisions, and more importantly be an example of good decisions. To the kids, let your parents know where you are going to be and with who. For those areas where “decorating” is allowed, please be respectful of those who do not wish to be part of this tradition. When traveling from one place to another, please use caution and adhere to the rules of the road.


Be aware of the consequences of drinking, and remove yourself from situations which you don’t feel comfortable. To the parents, provide a safe environment for them in the form of gathering places in your homes, and always re-assure them that you will be there if they find themselves in a place they no longer wish to be. It goes without saying that those under 21 should not be drinking, and the consequences both legally and academically are not worth it. It is also illegal for those over 21 to provide alcohol to minors. This may seem like common sense, but there are those adults who rationalize providing alcohol to minors by having the parties at their home, or by taking keys. Regardless of how you justify it, it is still illegal, and the consequences can be far reaching. I hope that everyone has a safe Homecoming season both on the field as well as off the field.

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