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Water: The Clear Benefits

As we approach warmer temperatures and start to do more activities outside, hydration becomes more important. Many public water fountains may be blocked off due to COVID precautions. Fill a reusable water bottle filled with water when you go out, or maybe a mug of herbal tea.


            Why is it important?

Water helps transport nutrients to cells, remove waste from the cells, and regulate body temperature. Water cools our bodies. When the body gets hot, it sweats. As sweat evaporates, the body is cooled. If the sweat is not replaced by drinking more fluids, the body’s water balance is upset and may overheat. You can get water not only by drinking water and other fluids, but by eating fruits and vegetables which contain a lot of water.


            How much water do you need?

Getting the right amount of hydration depends on how active you are, the climate, and your age. A physically active adult living in a moderate climate should drink eight to ten glasses of water a day. Active adults and those living in a warm climate, like summer in Wisconsin, should consume more. Older adults may not feel thirsty even when they’re dehydrated, so it’s important to make an effort to drink water throughout the day.


            Bored with plain water?

Try hot tea or fruit-infused water. You’ll find many recipes for infused water online. To try it, simply slice lemon & lime or perhaps cucumber & mint into a pitcher of water. Refrigerate overnight. Delicious! Many foods also keep you hydrated. Some foods are more than 90% water:   vegetables like celery, cucumbers, lettuce, radishes OR fruits like pineapple, grapes, and oranges.  Jell-O, popsicles, and broth keep you hydrated, too. 


For more information check out this article written by the University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension on hydrating safely during COVID-19:


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