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Children learn from watching you

Did you know?
Families that eat dinner together tend to have healthier diets that are higher in fruits, vegetables, and calcium, and lower in saturated fats. Eating meals together also provides opportunities for role modeling!

Why is it important to cook with young children?
- It is a great way to encourage your child to eat fruits and vegetables. Kids like to eat foods they help to prepare.
- Kids feel good about doing something “grown-up”. Give small jobs to do and praise their efforts!
- They will be learning skills they can use for life. Help teach them to follow instructions, count, and more!

How can young children help with the cooking?
- Tearing lettuce for a salad.
- Picking grapes off the stem and putting them into the bowl. Encourage your children to count the grapes as they are putting the grapes into the bowl!
- Scrubbing or washing vegetables such as potatoes and carrots.
- Setting the table.
- Picking which vegetables go into a salad or soup.
Cook together. Make meals and memories together. It is a lesson they will use for life!

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