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State patrol fills in gap for department

With only two deputies on duty most of the time, Kewaunee County Sheriff Matt Joski is happy they are able to lean on the Wisconsin State Patrol for assistance. The Kewaunee County Sheriff’s Department is much like other local law enforcement and emergency agencies that need to rely on others for mutual aid requests. State Trooper Logan Christel has been assigned to Kewaunee County since 2018, focusing primarily on traffic-related issues. Joski says Christel’s role is important in a time where the concern for municipal budgets and the demand for their services are increasing.

In addition to his role as a state trooper, Joski credits Christel with becoming a true member of the community with initiatives like their Highway 42 clean-up efforts. You can read more about Joski’s thoughts on Christel and the role of the Wisconsin State Patrol in the community below.



Back in 2018, I wrote an article regarding our newly assigned State Patrol Trooper. Since that
time, Trooper Logan Christel has become an essential partner in not only keeping our public
roads safe, but also as a great law enforcement ambassador to our community. For those who
make the trip between Kewaunee and Algoma on state Highway 42, you will see an “Adopt a
Highway” section sponsored by Local Law Enforcement. This was Logan’s initiative which
demonstrates his commitment to being a true asset and contributing member of this community.
Logan has also been there to support each and every one of our local agencies in response to
critical incidents where the presence of an additional officer has been needed.

I am sharing this information once again, as I have had recent encounters with individuals who
were concerned with the enforcement activities of our State Patrol Partners.

In keeping our communities safe, the Kewaunee County Sheriff’s Department relies on a close
relationship with many other local State and Federel agencies. On a daily basis we interact and
support our local law enforcement agencies within our county through mutual aid requests,
sharing of resources and combined training events. In a time of concern over budget limitations
and an ever increasing demand on the services we provide there is no room for territorial pride or
agency exclusion.

The Wisconsin State Patrol is one of the organizations that we work very closely with and rely
upon for the unique skillset and resources they are able to bring to the table.

While the Deputies and Officers of Kewaunee Law Enforcement do write traffic tickets and
repair notices for defective equipment, we also respond to the many calls for service and are
involved in investigative work as follow up to those calls, which limits our ability to provide the
attention to traffic law that is paramount in maintaining safety on our roadways.

Due to the fact that we many times cannot provide a consistent and sustained focus on traffic
law, the continued presence of a resource which can focus their attention on speed, failure to
yield right of way, failure to stop at stop sign and the many other traffic laws is a welcomed
addition to our law enforcement team. In addition to traffic law, Trooper Christel also brings
with him a wealth of knowledge on Motor Vehicle code which will bring additional attention to
issues such as tinted windows, defective exhaust and the many other vehicle equipment code
statutes which we must all abide by.


We are very fortunate and grateful to have Trooper Christel as part of our law enforcement
family and he has our full support in all that he does to keep our roads safe.

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