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Dock breaking away requires early morning response

A storm that rolled through the peninsula had an effect on an entire dock when winds that reached over 50 mph broke off Dock A from the Harbor Club Marina. US Coast Guard Petty Officer Graham Wolf says that the storm caused power outages at their station and shut their communication down. He says they were alerted of the situation through their personal phones, and they launched their boat to assist dock recovery efforts at approximately a quarter to 3:00 AM. The dock took the attached boats with it, and Wolf noted that there was one individual found on one of the boats once officials caught up to the dock. 



Dock A is placed at an angle for the time being, rather than its usual spot, parallel to dock B. Captain Steve Ross with Sarter Marine Towing said they were called out between 2:00 and 2:30 AM, and the dock had stopped drifting by the time they were on scene. Ross mentioned that enough chains holding the dock in place saved the dock from drifting much further away. This was also the first time he can remember a towing call like this. 



The dock was monitored for hours afterward by Sarter Marine Towing, who held their boats by it to ensure it stayed in place. 

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