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Senator: Afghanistan "an unmitigated disaster"

U.S. Senator Ron Johnson did not mince words about the growing humanitarian crisis developing in Afghanistan this week. It took just over a week for the Taliban to retake the country and its capital city of Kabul after U.S. forces pulled out of the region. A peace treaty signed by the Taliban and the Trump Administration in February 2020 called for counter-terrorism assurances, intra-Afghan negotiations, a pull out of troops from Afghanistan within 14 months if certain criteria were met. The Biden Administration pushed back the pull-out until now, which Johnson says showed a stunning level of incompetence.

Johnson adds that it was a 20-year war the United States should have never been in and government forces should have done a better job training their Afghan counterparts to be independent. Before the Taliban takeover, more than half of the respondents in a Yahoo! News/You Gov poll said they supported a complete withdrawal from Afghanistan. Johnson says the government should have been more honest about what a withdrawal would mean.

He is confident the troops stationed at Fort McCoy in Wisconsin will do a great job taking care of the hundreds of Afghan refugees that are expected to arrive in the coming weeks, calling it the country’s responsibility to take care of those that helped out in their military efforts.

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