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Governor proposes $150 payment to Wisconsin residents

You could have an extra $150 in your pocket if Governor Tony Evers has his way with the budget surplus. The suggestion was born out of the news that Wisconsin’s state budget projections grew by $2.9 billion more than what was expected. Higher-than-expected tax collections led the charge for the surplus, which could be saved or spent for the coming months. Both Governor Tony Evers and the Republican-held Wisconsin Legislature took credit for the surplus earlier this week, offering their own plans for what to do with it. While Governor Evers would like to see $750 million sent to K-12 schools and $150 for every man, woman, and child, Republicans have said they would rather see that money used for a future tax cut after the fall election. Former Governor Scott Walker did something similar when he ran for re-election in 2018, offering a $100 to parents for each dependent child. Democrats attacked Walker on the proposal at the time, likening it to a bribe. State Rep. Joel Kitchens says both instances could be called political ploys while he would rather keep an eye on future budgets with the money in hand.

State Senator Andre Jacque is open to the conversation but would like to see a grander vision for what could be possible with the surplus dollars, especially since Governor Evers has federal money at his disposal.

Governor Evers’ plan would have to be approved by the Wisconsin Legislature before the $150 checks get sent out. Both Jacque and Kitchens had legislation regarding law enforcement pass their respective chambers this week. You can listen to their thoughts on those below.






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