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Possible jail referendum question to be finalized this spring

The Kewaunee County Board will have until July to decide on whether or not referendum questions concerning the jail will appear on your ballot. The proposed jail was discussed during Tuesday’s Kewaunee County Board meeting during the committee reports portion. Supervisor John Mastalir asked what happens to certain incarcerated individuals if they happen to be unruly, pregnant, or in other situations where the current jail may not be suitable. That spurred Kewaunee County Sheriff Matt Joski to speak on how the new facility would have more cell-like accommodations for inmates to allow for more classifications, something they currently cannot do.

The discussion stayed on the jail but focused more on staffing the facility. It had been determined that the new facility would only require six new staff members down from the original eight that were forecasted. This change could make it so the county would not have to go to a referendum for the facility’s operation.

Kewaunee County Administrator Scott Feldt said if they do go to a referendum that he would like to get the possible question or questions to the board for their input by May. That would give the county time to sort out the details before the 90 days that are required ahead of an election to get an item placed on the ballot.

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