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Ward tapped as new Gibraltar Elementary Principal


A face you might know will be the next principal of Gibraltar Elementary School. The Gibraltar Area School Board announced Lauren Ward as its new principal.


Ward previously served on the staff at Gibraltar before taking on the role as Managing Director for Write On, Door County. Ward said goodbye to supporters of the Juddville-based organization in its electronic newsletter sent on Thursday. In it, Ward said Gibraltar was her first home when she came to the area and expressed her excitement to go back to lead the elementary school’s teachers and staff and guide the area’s youngest learners. Along with artistic director Jerod Santek, she helped the organization’s construction of its Juddville campus which opened during the pandemic. 


Ward takes over for the current principal and Director of Pupil Services Lisa Wing. Serving a dual role for the past year, Wing will stay with the district as the Director of Pupil Services.


You can read Ward’s goodbye to Write On, Door County below.


When I came to Write On in July of 2019, I was drawn almost entirely by two things: the mission of the organization and its good people. 

The mission of Write On is inspiring and engaging writers and readers of all ages, at all stages. It struck a chord within me, and I recognized, as did our Founding and Artistic Director Jerod and our Founding Board of Directors, that Door County was the perfect place to create a home for writers. It has been a wonderful, beautiful three years, but it's time for me to move on. 

In a few short weeks, I'll be beginning the next chapter of my own life, as the Elementary Principal of Gibraltar Schools. Gibraltar was my first real home in this community, and I am proud to be going back to lead the incredible teachers and staff and to guide Northern Door's youngest learners. 

There's so much to be thankful for as the sun sets on my time here - almost definitely, I feel a deep gratitude for the relationships I've made, whether that was with our members, our visitors, our donors, or our friends, my time here was blessed by kindness. 

Write On's future is very, very bright. It is filled with good and gentle people who want nothing more than to share the beauty of words and language with all. I know that what first drew me here is still true: a worthy, solid mission being carried out by some of the most amazing people in Door County. I am grateful for my time here and for all of you. 



Lauren Ward

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