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Why donate at Christmas?

As we get closer to the Christmas season most people’s thoughts are occupied with preparations for family gatherings and last-minute shopping ideas. For some however their minds are on recent life changing events which may have put them in dire financial times. They may be sitting down at their tables deciding whether to pay the heating bill or the mortgage payment. They may be choosing between gas in the car or supper.


Some parents are listening to their children’s wish list knowing full well they will not be able to gather the resources to make their children’s wishes come true. It is for these families that so many in our community reach beyond their own needs and wants and provide much needed donations and gifts during the Holiday season.


Next Saturday December 17th, we will be having our Kewaunee County Toys for Tots distribution event as we have for the past two decades. This program has been going on here in Kewaunee County for almost three decades, with the level of need remaining consistent. The good news is that we have always been able to meet those needs. This year is no exception, as the many boxes around the county have been filling up and I have even had to pick up toys early as the boxes have been overflowing. Thank you to all who have donated and to those who will be assisting with the distribution.


Another program which assists our neighbors in need throughout the year is our Salvation Army Kettle Campaign. As the voucher writer for the Salvation Army here in Kewaunee County, I can attest to the need for these resources and the impact that it has at critical moments in people’s lives. This year’s campaign will end with the last day of bell ringing being on Christmas Eve. Thank you to all who have taken time out of their busy lives to ring bells and to those who stopped for a moment to drop a donation into the Kettles. I have no doubt this year’s campaign will be just as successful as year’s past.


I recently spoke to a group of students on this very issue and I got to thinking; why does all of this matter in the scope of being Sheriff? I do believe that programs like this as well as the efforts of so many charitable organizations make for a safer community and here’s why.


Most issues we respond to, occur for two basic reasons, Desperation and Isolation. I have seen many good people make poor choices because they felt they had few to no options. If we can provide assistance at critical moments maybe that assistance is the difference between that person or a member of their family doing right or doing wrong.


The second factor, Isolation has to do with our accountability to each other. If through our giving we show that we do in fact care and that we take time to help one another it builds a stronger sense of community. It is my firm belief that this stronger sense of community may in fact make a difference when an individual is contemplating a criminal act against another.  This is just my optimistic view and you can accept it or disregard it but I do believe that we can start to change the world by what we do here in our communities. Be Safe and Take Care!

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