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Cash bail changes among potential ballot initiatives

You could have a handful of state issues to vote on during this spring's election. The Wisconsin Legislature had several items on their schedule for Tuesday that would appear on the ballot if approved by both chambers. One of those would be a constitutional amendment allowing judges to consider more factors than just what will ensure a person's return to the courtroom. The amendment was introduced in the wake of the Waukesha Christmas Parade incident, where a man out on bail drove onto the route, killing six people and injuring dozens of others. Judges would be allowed to consider many different factors before issuing a bail sentence if the amendment is passed. As people called for judges to place cash bail on people to protect the public, Door County Circuit Court Judge David Weber believes the state constitution would not allow that unless the amendment is passed. He issued a pro and a con for the proposed amendment.

Other items up for discussion that could end up on the spring ballot include advisory referendum questions on whether there should be a work requirement for able-bodied individuals requesting welfare assistance and if school districts should be prohibited from teaching topics similar to Critical Race Theory. The latter advisory referendum resolution was introduced by local State Senator Andre Jacque, who pushed for it last year.


Governor Tony Evers and Democratic lawmakers made their own push for an advisory referendum to be placed on the ballot Tuesday afternoon. Their advisory referendum would look to repeal the 1849 criminal abortion ban and restore certain Roe vs. Wade protections.


The Wisconsin Legislature would have to pass the resolutions by January 24th for them to appear on the ballot.

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