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Governor Evers signs new maps into law

It is expected that you will see more competitive legislative races this fall after Governor Tony Evers signed new legislative boundary maps into law on Monday morning. Wisconsin Act 94 enacted the maps proposed by the Democratic governor, which experts said still lean Republican but could produce different results depending on the ballots cast. According to the Associated Press, 15 Republican incumbents in the Assembly and six in the Senate will be forced to run against each other under the new maps. According to the Governor’s office, this will mark the first time in 50 years the legislative maps will be fair and enacted through the will of the Wisconsin Legislature and not the courts. Assembly Speaker Robin Vos wrote in his weekly newsletter that I have always said it is the job of the Legislature to determine the maps, not the courts. This should be a win for both sides, as it ends the millions being spent on this redistricting lawsuit, yet not a single Democrat spoke on the floor and all but one voted no.” Evers claimed victory on Monday, saying, “When I promised I wanted fair maps—not maps that are better for one party or another—I damn well meant it. Wisconsin is not a red state or a blue state—we’re a purple state, and I believe our maps should reflect that basic fact.” Fair maps has been one of the main talks for groups like Common Cause Wisconsin. Executive Director Jay Heck hopes this takes the state down the path of a non-partisan redistricting process so the maps remain fair for all parties.


The maps enacted on Monday will be in place for this fall’s election and will stay in place until 2031 when the boundaries are redrawn to reflect population changes in the state.

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