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Navigating life like a video game

I never know where the ideas for these articles will come from, and this one is a great example. I was walking with our Son James the other day, and we were discussing the impact we have on others and how others impact us. We were sharing concerns over the decreased level of community involvement in both of our generations, and he made a comment about not wanting to become an “NPC”. This was a moment of generational disconnect as I had never heard of this acronym. I asked what in the world an “NPC” was, to which he replied a “Non-Playable Character”. He went on to say that in the world of video games, as you are navigating through a given challenge or journey, there are characters who present themselves along the way. He said that at first, you think that these characters have something to add to your journey, so you engage with them only to find out they lack any real response or support. They are just there. They may utter some repetitive phrase, or amusing actions, but beyond that, there is no substance.


This was some profound thinking, and I was so impressed with how he made that connection. It got me thinking about my own life, and those times when I may have been a source of support and encouragement (a playable character), and those times when I wasn’t really in the moment or present for those who were relying on me to help them in their journey (a non-playable character).


think of the numerous interactions we all have each and every day. Whether it be coming and going from grocery stores, and gas stations or in our place of education or work. Have we become merely an irrelevant character in the lives of those around us, uttering comical phrases or repeating useless speculation or rumor? Or, are we someone who has meaning and purpose, who engage in the support and encouragement of those struggling on their journey?


I put this challenge to our young adults ready to embark upon their given journey in life. Be a playable character. Be there for those around you. Be in the moment. Enter into the arena of life with nothing less than absolute passion for what you believe and the values you hold dear. In the video game of life, don’t play to win, play to thrive. Play in such a way that when the game is over, you have given it your all, and in looking back on your journey, you can count both successes and failures not by what was won or lost, but by the lives you’ve impacted and the differences you made. While we can’t hit the “Play Again” button on life, we can learn and adjust our character along the way. 

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