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Less people donating more money to charity

While you may not notice it in a non-profit’s bottom line, there is a growing concern in the world of charitable giving that is being seen locally. Indiana University’s Lilly Family School of Philanthropy states that only half of U.S. households donated to a charity in 2018. That was the lowest it had been in almost 20 years. American households with more than $200,000 in wealth have been picking up the difference, according to the 2021 study, with eight of ten donating to a charity. Some have pointed out that wealthier Americans only donate to charity because of the tax deductions they receive. Door County Community Foundation President and CEO Bret Bicoy says that is a myth, adding that there is no situation where a potential donor is better off donating money rather than keeping it.

Bicoy does share the concern of fewer Americans donating to their favorite charities, which could have bigger impact on how much money charities can raise in the future. He adds that giving in Door County continues to be strong despite the roller coaster ride the stock markets have been on for the last few months. In his experience, Bicoy says it would take a sustained bear market or a recession for a noticeable impact on charitable giving in the community.

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