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Sheriff's Corner: Kewaunee County Sheriff Matt Joski updates on the new jail

Although the work and planning of the new Jail facility have been ongoing and drawing a great deal of our attention and efforts here at the Sheriff’s Department, it has been a while since I have provided an update.

        Since my last update in November, we have continued to meet on a regular basis, with almost constant communication regarding every topic from detention equipment to the color of the walls. Each and every decision point is guided by our need to adhere to budgetary limitations while adhering to state code compliance and industry best practices. I can’t even begin to recall how many times we have stopped an asked the question: “Is it a need or a want?” and even in the needs, we pursue the most economic and efficient option towards that need. The challenge is walking that fine line between short-term cost savings and long-term operational dysfunction. I am very proud of the work we have done thus far, and very grateful for all of those around the table at each of these many meetings. We continue to work with our partners at Venture Architects as well as the amazing resource we have in The Samuels Group as they guide us in the management of our project. Our state Jail Inspector Nancy Thelen, continues to be both a wealth of knowledge as well as a source of relevant practices from counties throughout the state of Wisconsin. There have been numerous times when our unique approach to our facility has coined the phrase “The Kewaunee Model”. This speaks to our willingness and ability to think outside the box for the best possible facility to serve our community’s needs.

       So where are we in the process? We just had our final planning meeting, and based on all of our work, the specifications have been drawn up and will be released for public contractor bids in early May. In early June, we should then receive those bids, which will then be reviewed by The Samuels Group. They will then in turn provide a presentation of those bids to the County Board in late June for their consideration. We have been fortunate to have members of our County Board involved in every step of this project and many have even attended the numerous planning meetings over the past 7 years. The involvement and input of so many will no doubt be the key to our success as we continue to move forward in this long-overdue project for a facility that we can all be proud of.

        On the staffing side, we continue to face the same challenges as every law enforcement agency throughout our nation. We are challenged by not only recruiting and training to meet the needs of the new facility but also to backfill the numerous vacancies that will be created as current staff transition to retirement in the upcoming years. As always, we are blessed with such high-quality men and women who have chosen to serve their communities as Deputies. On that note, if you or someone you know would like more information on the opportunity to work as a Jailer/ Dispatcher, please feel free to reach out to me, and I can share more details and even provide a tour of our operations. I can always be reached at (920)255-1100 to answer any questions. Take Care!

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