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GOP legislators should resign immediately

By Donald Freix


While Representative Joel Kitchens and state senate elect and current Representative Andre Jacque were posing for pictures over a monetary gift to a worker training project for which they have not been reported as having had anything to do with, we see precisely defined the term, “two empty suits.”


Failing to speak to their constituents, as their GOP legislative leadership, Robin Vos and Scott Fitzgerald crafted legislation to attack the separation of state powers and to enshrine such things as voter suppression and tax giveaways to their wealthy election campaign donors, along with depriving the new (unnamed as yet) State Superintendent of Public Instruction of constitutional authority and autonomy, “Mr Education,” Joel Kitchens and Andre Jacque smile for the camera.


Joel Kitchens has not yet said a word to the local press about any of this GOP legislative betrayal of the formerly great state of Wisconsin and all her citizens as of his Friday “email update,” wishing us all a great weekend. Wasting taxpayer money on informing us about local events, his job is not tourist ambassador nor gossip columnist. If not rank incompetence or deliberate obstruction to hide current GOP legislative machinations, this amounts to complete and abject failure of his sworn duty and responsibility to his constituents, and that means every voter in this district, bar none.


If Kitchens doesn’t release an immediate press release today, stridently condemning all of the lame duck extraordinary session legislation, even for no other reason than on the simplest terms of rushing these bill quickly through to avoid public scrutiny, he is complicit in this blatant abuse of power, and tendering his immediate resignation from the Assembly should be his only alternative choice.


Every unconstitutionally gerrymandered GOP state legislator should be calling out this blatant power grab for what it is, stridently and publicly refusing to support it in any respect and should be calling for a legislative vote to replace their current leadership in Madison, or resign their legislative seats. Nothing short of unmitigated and total condemnation of this lame duck process and its intentions should be tolerated by any voter in this state. Bowing to GOP fascist authoritarians is not bipartisanship, people. Don’t believe it coming from the lips of any GOP legislator not fully condemning their leadership today. They’d unequivocally be liars and certified political cowards.


Donald Freix


Fish Creek, WI

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