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Anderson House struck by drunk driver

The Sister Bay Historical Society has to repair an existing museum even as COVID has halted its plans to build a new center. To put it mildly, Chairman Fred Johnson says 2020 has not gone as planned. In what was supposed to be the organization’s 25th anniversary, it has been closed and unable to fundraise for critical projects. On August 22nd, an inattentive driver, who Johnson says admits to having had one too many, hopped the curb, ran through a utility pole, and careened into the gift shop area of the Anderson House. The Corner of the Past Museum lost its corner. Johnson says he is hopeful that insurance will help make the Historical Society whole, and that repairs can be completed before a new season next year.

Johnson says this latest incident hurts as it comes at a time when there is little to no money coming in the door. Work was supposed to have started on a new History Center on the north side of the property. That has been pushed back as well, meaning all of the benefits it is expected to bring are another year further away. Johnson says the organization requires storage space.


You can help the Historical Society by donating at its website.




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