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Staying prepared for winter drive

As I write this article, we are having our first exposure to our seasonal weather with temperatures in the teens. No matter how much we prepare, it still catches us a bit off guard, but I have no doubt we will adapt as we always do. Over the next few weeks, we will continue to see the fluctuation in temperature either just above or just below freezing, which gives some nice variations, but also brings some additional considerations.


The primary concern, of course, is the road surfaces. With fluctuating temperatures, those roads can transition from merely wet to glare ice in a matter of minutes. Be especially mindful of bridges and overpasses, as they will be the first to be affected. When approaching intersections or turns, give yourself and your vehicle a greater margin of reaction and distance. Trying to execute a curve or stopping for that stop sign, is not the time to find out you misjudged the road surface.


Another victim of early morning freeze is our car windows. Please take the time to either defrost your windshields and windows or scrape them to provide proper visibility. It is a law that you do not have any obstructions in the primary areas of the windshield and side windows. While most people think this relates to manmade objects such as air fresheners or window tints, it also pertains to natural obstructions such as snow or ice.


Once the snow finally arrives, remember to leave a little early to provide extra time in case of poor road conditions. Also, please remember that just because the sign says 55 doesn’t mean you need to travel at that speed. A little caution on a snow-covered road will go a long way. Another good tip is to create an emergency bag that you leave in your vehicle. This could include a shovel, extra coat, boots, gloves, flares, blanket, and even some snack food. This may seem unusual, but could prove vital someday. Also, even though you should not talk on a cell phone while driving, it is a good idea to have your phone with you in your vehicle in case of an emergency. Also, if you haven’t addressed your tires in a few months, this may be a good time for that investment. Many of the vehicle accidents we respond to over the winter months could have been prevented by having proper tires and sufficient tire tread on those tires. We have no shortage of great local shops that can guide you in the right direction and provide great service and products.


As a final note, once the road crews start their maintenance this winter; please respect the important and often difficult job they have in keeping the roads clear, and give them plenty of space to operate as they are plowing, and salting the roadways.


Please respect overnight parking restrictions, which also makes their job much easier and saves you the frustration of digging your vehicle out after they plow around it while looking at the parking ticket affixed to your windshield.

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