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Letter to the Editor: A word about gratitude for the granary

We live in a disposable world and don’t think about the consequences of our actions very much, do we? Just the other day I was getting groceries at one of the local super markets and the person before me at the check-out was asked by an employee “ma’am, do you want paper or plastic?” Her slightly irritated response was “Oh, doesn’t matter”. Hmm, really?


I noticed in that moment how easy it is to block out the consequences of our choices. As our world and our oceans are drowning in discarded plastics we say “oh, it doesn’t matter”. By the way, paper bags are also problematic. It’s best to bring our own shopping bags to the store.

But this blurb is not about plastic bags- it is about the historic granary in our town, in lovely Sturgeon Bay. Why is it so difficult to convince people that the preservation of this last historic building is a worthwhile and important cause? We have the money to do it (and if we need more in the future, we will fundraise it!) and we have a treasure on our hands with this sturdy, historic building. In a world that discards endlessly we should not throw away this irreplaceable historic structure! Even more importantly, we have a responsibility to preserve the history for the next generations that we’d like to call Sturgeon Bay their home. Historic preservation builds community. By restoring and celebrating this historic structure we also protect and celebrate our community and we express our gratitude for the folks that lived here before us.


 I find it unconscionable how some members of the City Council, the new Mayor, and the City Administrator undermine the efforts to save the Granary. Let’s work TOGETHER to restore and repurpose this last historic building on the westside waterfront!

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